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Just Go! Holidays
1st Floor
111 High Street
GL50 1DW

tel: 0333 234 2010

Email: Use the 'Contact Us' Page


At Omega Breaks we are committed to ensuring you are taken care of every step of the way, from the day you book, through to the last day of your holiday. Occasionally passengers fall ill or have an accident whilst on holiday preventing them from travelling home with the coach or on the return flight or requiring medical care when abroad. This may impact you financially, it is company policy that all our customers hold some form of travel insurance, not necessarily the insurance Omega Breaks can offer when purchasing one of our tours.

The single trip holiday insurance scheme that we offer is underwritten AWP P&C S.A. a company registered in France with ID No 519490080 RCS Paris Registered Office 7 Rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France acting through its UK Branch, AWP P&C (UK Branch) registered in the United Kingdom. Registered Branch No. BR015275, Registered Office 102 George Street, Croydon, Surrey CR9 6HD. Authorised and regulated by L'Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution in France. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and limited regulation by the PRA.

Should you wish to take out this holiday insurance policy please include the appropriate premium* when booking your holiday. 


DURATION by Coach & Air by Coach by Air
1 Days £8.35 N/A N/A
2-3 Days £31.54 £45.55 £56.95
4-5 Days £42.62 £69.43 £86.78
6-8 Days £49.68 £82.42 £103.03
9-10 Days £54.94 £93.67 £117.10
11 - 17 Days £56.14 £112.61 £140.76
18 - 21 Days N/A £154.58 £193.22
22 - 24 Days N/A £200.66 £250.82
25 - 31 Days N/A £238.51 £298.15

 *All premiums include 20% insurance premium tax.


This insurance policy will suit the demands and needs of an individual or group (where applicable) who have no excluded pre-existing medical conditions, are travelling in countries included within the policy terms and who wish to insure themselves against unforeseen events detailed in the cover section below. Subject to the terms, conditions and maximum specified sums insured.


We will not provide you with advice about the suitability of this product for your individual needs but will be happy to provide you with factual information.

We summarise below the details of the insurance cover provided which also includes 24-hour emergency service from Allianz Assistance. A summary of the cover is detailed below. Full details of the key benefits, conditions and exclusions will be included in the Policy Wording and Insurance Product Information Document (IPID), copies of which will be sent to you with your confirmation of booking. In any event you may ask for specimen copies of the Policy Booklet and IPID before booking should you wish to examine this in advance.

Section of cover

Maximum sum insured and / or benefits per person

Maximum excess PER PERSON

Trip Cancellation

Up to £5,000

£75 reduced to Nil for Loss of Deposit

Trip Interruption

Up to £5,000


Travel Delay

£100 with receipts reduced to £50 without receipt for each completed 24-hours up to £800 following a completed delay of 6-hours



Up to £1,500, sub-limited as follows:

·       £200 Valuables


Baggage Delay

£100 after a completed 12-hours delay


Emergency Medical

Up to £2,000,000, sub-limited as follows:

·       £350 Dental Cover (pain relief only)


Emergency Transport

Up to £2,000,000, sub-limited as follows:

·       Reasonable costs up to the above Medical         Repatriation

·       Reasonable costs up to the above Medical Evacuation

·       Reasonable costs up to the above Return of Dependants

·       Reasonable costs up to the above Transport to Bedside

·       Reasonable costs up to the above Repatriation of Remains

·       Funeral Expenses Abroad £1,000

·       Search and Rescue £1,000


Personal Liability

Up to £2,000,000


Personal Accident

Up to £15,000 Permanent Disability or Death


Travel Services During Your Trip

Reasonable costs included


Loss of Travel Documents

Up to £200


Personal Money

Up to £200


Legal Expenses



Cruise, Miss Port of Call



Cruise Low / High Water

£50 per incident up to £150


Cruise, Cabin Confinement

£25 per 24-hours up to £500


Cruise, Shire Excursions



Cruise, Denied Boarding




The cover under this policy is only available to residents of United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man only.


This policy may not provide cover for pre-existing medical conditions, so it is important that you review and respond to the questions below in order to have the full protection of your policy. If you do not take the appropriate action, or if you withhold information which we should reasonably be made aware of when considering the provision of cover, then your policy may be cancelled, or your claim rejected or not fully paid.

If you are travelling within the United Kingdom, you are not required to declare your medical conditions. However, to be covered for any medical conditions you have or have had, you must be able to answer NO to questions 1. to 4. and YES, to questions 5. and 6. a) and b) below:

1.    Are you aware of any reason why the trip could be cancelled or cut short (such as the health of a close relative) 
2.    Are you travelling: 
       a)    against the advice of a medical practitioner, or
       b)    for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. 
3.    Have you been given a terminal prognosis 
4.    Are you receiving or awaiting treatment for any bodily injury, illness or disease as a hospital day case or in-patient
5.    If you are on prescribed medication, are your medical condition(s) stable and well controlled
6.    If you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental or nervous disorder, have you received written confirmation (at your cost) that you are fit enough to take this trip by either:
       a)     a registered mental health professional (if you are under the care of a Community Mental Health Team), or 
       b)    a consultant specialising in the relevant field.

If you are travelling outside of the United Kingdom, you must telephone the medical screening service on 0344 892 1698 if anyone to be covered by this policy, or any person upon whose health the trip depends:

  1. Has or has had a medical condition (excluding childhood and minor ailments not requiring treatment)
  2. Is taking prescribed medication
  3. Has or has had any medical condition still requiring periodic review
  4. Is awaiting any tests, treatment, investigation, referral or the results of these.

The medical screening service’s office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm Friday excluding Bank Holidays.


You must also notify the medical screening service immediately on 0344 892 1698 if there is any change in your medical circumstances between the date you first purchased your insurance policy and the date your holiday is due to begin. If you do not take the appropriate action, or if you withhold information which we should reasonably be made aware of when considering the provision of cover, then your policy may be cancelled, or your claim rejected or not fully paid. If we can extend cover, we may charge an additional premium for doing so.

If your trip is solely within the United Kingdom, then You must obtain confirmation from your medical practitioner that you are fit enough to take the trip, and this must be noted on your medical records so that in the event of a claim you are able to provide this evidence if required by us. Failure to do so may invalidate your policy.


1.  Cover is only available for the whole duration of a booked trip to a maximum 75 consecutive days, and cover cannot be        purchased once a trip has already begun.

2.  If your money, valuables, any items of baggage, your passport or visa are lost or stolen, you must notify the local Police within 24 hours of discovery or as soon as possible thereafter. Please make sure you get a copy of the Police report. Failure to comply may result in your claim being rejected or the amount of any relevant claim reduced.

3.  You are not covered for valuables, your passport or visa if left unattended at any time (including in a vehicle, in checked in luggage or while in the custody of a carrier, tour operator or public transport operator) unless deposited in a hotel safe, safety deposit box or left in your locked accommodation.

4.  Claims arising from any epidemic or pandemic as declared by the World Health Organisation.

TRAVEL SIGNPOSTING Not the right level of cover to meet your Travel Insurance needs?
If we can’t offer you the cover you want, or your premium is higher than you wanted because you have medical conditions, you may be able to get help by accessing the Money and Pensions Service travel directory at: or by calling 0800 138 777 (Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm).


Please tell us immediately if your policy does not meet your requirements. If you cancel within 14-days of the receipt of your documentation and you have not started a trip or made or intend to make a claim, we will give you a full refund. Following this 14-days period, you continue to have the right to cancel your policy at any time by contacting us. If the notice of cancellation is received outside of the 14-days cooling-off period, no premium will be refunded.

Just Go Holidays Limited t/a Just Go! Holidays, National Holidays and Omega Breaks is an appointed representatives of ITC Compliance Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (their registration number is 313486) and which is permitted to advise on and arrange general insurance contracts as an intermediary

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